Thursday, May 3, 2007

Flying With Film...

I've gotten many e-mails regarding traveling with film... is it safe? Will you damage the film by allowing it to go through an x-ray machine? The simple answer is MAYBE. Although studies show that a fog can form on unexposed films with silver halide crystals (and most film nowadays is made this way) if they travel through a high powered x-ray machine. The most high powered x-rays are those scanning the luggage that travels in the belly of the plane (i.e. everything but carry-on). Therefore, I highly recommend carrying all film as carry-on, get it hand-checked, and explain to security what it is. Studies have shown little or no effects from hand-checking.

- John -
ThePhotoHound, Digg, Add to Technorati Favorites


Anonymous said...

I agree. One thing that I would add here would be if you are expecting to have someone hand check your film (something that most airport officials can be reluctant to do) make it as easy as you can on them. Have the film ready in a clear plastic ziplock bag, or in a drawstring netting bag. Something that can easily be seen through. Also, prior to having them hand check the film, make sure to remove all film from the film canisters.

When you hand them a clear bag filled with just the rolls of film, all ready to be inspected, they have a much more difficult time saying "no". Just my experience!

ThePhotoHound said...

Ryan -

Thanks for the helpful addition. I agree completely with your method. Make it as hard as possible to say no!